Dan Schawbel

Dan Schawbel

I grew up in Newton, MA which was a predominately Jewish city, but lost touch with my Jewish roots as I got older; the community in Boston is also much smaller, with fewer activities than New York. It wasn't until I moved to New York City four years ago that I was able to reconnect with my heritage, meet other Jews and feel like I was part of a community once again. One of the first groups that was welcoming was JICNY.

Specifically, the JICNY networking group and team have been big supporters of mine; their events bring in a great group of people who are very supportive of one another. I look forward to continuing to participate in JICNY and helping others who are trying to make it in the big city and beyond.

Throughout my professional career, I've surrounded myself with bright people, had the opportunity to do work I love, and I have produced material that has had a global impact. Today, I'm a Partner and the Research Director at Future Workplace and author of three career books: Back to Human, Promote Yourself, and Me 2.0. These books aim to help my generation through their entire career lifecycle from student to CEO. My work has contributed to helping make the workplace more engaging, healthy and productive. I've been able to interview over two thousand of the most successful people, including Warren Buffet and Michael Bloomberg, while writing articles for many outlets including Fortune, Fortune and The Harvard Business Review.

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