Shilana & Timor Lahav

Shilana & Timor Lahav

Hello, my name is Shilana Lahav and I was born in Moldova. I was barely 1 when my family immigrated to the States to make a better life for my sister and I, to freely practice as Jews.

We grew up with the major Jewish holidays celebrating Yom Kippur and Passover, not truly understanding the beauty and meaning behind it. I did not grow up keeping kosher or Shabbat and did not attend Jewish Day school. I just knew I was Jewish and had to marry someone Jewish. There was no basis or reason for this. However, that was NOT enough for me.

Around the age of 27 yrs. old, after continually dating non-Jews, I felt that something did not sit well with me. I realized through a friend of mine, a male Catholic friend from South Africa and a most wonderful human being that I should go and explore my own religion. But I didn’t know where to begin?. Should I go to India to study Buddhism first? I was looking for spirituality and meaning in life. But eventually I joined RAJE (Russian American Jewish Experience) and that led me on my journey to explore the mystic and deep spiritual part of Judaism.

After joining RAJE I went to Israel to study and I attended Neve for seminary. It was here that I discovered the love and beauty of being Jewish. The family purity laws, modesty, Shabbat and so much more. After returning to the States, i was looking for organizations in NYC to connect with. Lo and behold, I came across JICNY and met the freest spirited and vivacious couple Jodi and Gavin Samuels, and through them i met my husband Timor at one of their Shabbat dinners. This I will forever be grateful to them.

Today, I am married thank Gd with two adorable kids and I keep Shabbat and kosher. I try to dress as modestly as I can and of course I am set on continuing a Jewish education for my kids so that they have that rich foundation to take with them for life.

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