(Jerusalem) Shabbat Dinner for New Olim & Lone Soldiers

Start Date:
Friday, October 21, 2022 at 7:15 pm

End Date:
Friday, October 21, 2022 at 11:00 pm

Type of Event: Shabbat and Holiday, Social

Event Format: In Person

Age Group: Singles 25-39

Location: Jerusalem

(Jerusalem) Shabbat Dinner for New Olim & Lone Soldiers

About Event


Join us for a welcoming Jerusalem Shabbat Dinner for New Olim ages 25-40 who have been in Israel one year or less – and Lone Soldiers too!

DATE:  Friday, October 21, 2022

TIME: 7:15pm

ADDRESS: Private home in German Colony, Jerusalem

COST: 60nis for new olim in Israel one year or less

           Lone Soldiers- FREE

RSVP BY EMAIL: Send email to events@jicny.com and write "New Oleh" or "Lone Soldier" in subject line. Please include all this in the email:

1. First & Last Name

2. Your Age

3. Country of origin

4. OLIM: Photo of Tuedat zehut with date of aliyah

    SOLDIERS: attach military ID with photo

*Once we receive all documents and you are approved, we will send you the payment link.


Join us Shabbat afternoon for the 3rd meal and Gavin Samuels guest speaker (all welcome) info: CLICK HERE 

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