About Event
Join us for a welcoming Friday Night Dinner in Jerusalem for ages 18-39 with:
International Dinner Guests Include:
– New Olim, who are in Israel 1 year or less
– Lone Soldiers / Bat Shirut / National service men & women / those in miluim or recently completed miluim serving israel from foreign countries.
DATE: Friday, February 7, 2025
TIME: 18:30
ADDRESS: Private home in German Colony, Jerusalem
New Olim: 60nis early-bird until Thurs morning 9am
80nis general / 90nis on Friday
Lone Soldiers, Bat Shiruit, National Service- FREE
STEP 1: REGISTER (below) and receive an auto-receipt from info@jicny.com
STEP 2: Email us (or reply to your auto-receipt) and attach your military ID or Teudat Zehut to events@jicny.com
(steps 1 and 2 must be done together)
STEP 3: PAYMENT (for Olim only): Once we receive your information, we will email you the Eventbrite pay link. We do try and reply back the same day, but sometimes the next day.
Questions? Contact customer service for assistance. events@jicny.com
Join a JIC WhatsApp group in your city! https://jicny.com/whatsapp-groups/
JIC DISCLAIMER: Certain JIC boutique events depend on age, gender, etc… We cannot guarantee a spot for everyone. We cannot guarantee groups can be placed together.