Bernadette Sebzda

Bernadette Sebzda

I am a New York native with an international flair- my mother is Polish and my father is French. I have French citizenship (courtesy of my father) and have done quite a bit of travel, however to me New York has and always will be home base. Although my wanderings have taken me out there and back, New York is home. You can take the girl out of New York, but you can't take the New York out of the girl. Career-wise, my background is in finance with a brief flirtation in legal and a tiny dab in politics. These days I work in real estate as a small-scale developer. The city can be a lonely and intimidating place, therefore having an organization like the JICNY is vital. It provides community where one discovers new friendships, an ability to network and a sense of belonging; suddenly the city is no longer lonely -on the contrary! There are all sorts of new possibilities on the horizon!!

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