About Event
(formerly Shiur & Beer)
JIC Israel Wisdom& Wine for young Internationals ages 25-40
Pizza & salad
Join us for Torah with deep life lessons & humor with Rav Avichai Berkowitz
Born in Jerusalem into a family of chazanim and Rabbis from England, Avichai imbibed Jewish music, the love of Torah, and Manchester United. He studied in Yeshivot in Carmel and Shilo, achieved a B. Ed at Herzog College, and served as a tank gunner in the IDF. After leading Australian seminars, Avichai and his wife Tifferet, went to serve as a Rabbi and Jewish educator in Sydney and Ranana. Back in Jerusalem, Avichai continues to learn and teach Torah and Chassidut, with deep life lessons and great Humor.
REQUIRED: Guests must show vaccination card / tav yarok at door
8:30PM Class starts
ALSO watch on facebook live @JIC Israel
8:30PM Class starts
ALSO watch on facebook live @JIC Israel
25nis at door – includes pizza & salads
@tthe Samuels family
1 Hamagid St, Apt 10
enter from the alley off Emek Refaim
@tthe Samuels family
1 Hamagid St, Apt 10
enter from the alley off Emek Refaim
German Colony, Jerusalem
Join our Shiur & Beer fb group for updates. https://m.facebook.com/groups/1723931511002109